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Iranian Refugees' Alliance Inc. (IRA Inc.) is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.
Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by the law.

Board of Directors

Iranian Refugees' Alliance's Board of Directors is the governing body with the ultimate authority for the actions of the corporation, including fiscal management and budget approval, and establishing long and short-term agendas. Board members are passionate about and experienced in refugee issues. 

Current Members:

Deljou Abadi

(founder and executive director)

Born in Iran, Ms. Abadi came to the United States as a refugee in 1985 and obtained a Masters of Science in Mathematics and Computer Science in 1990 from New York University . She founded the Iranian Refugees’ Alliance in 1993 in response to the lack of social and legal assistance for Iranian refugees in first countries of asylum such as Turkey. In addition to researching and authoring numerous reports and articles on the conditions of Iranian refugees worldwide and maintaining a Documentation Center on Iran related country of origin information and refugee case-law, Ms. Abadi has done legal casework for numerous individual Iranian refugee claimants before national tribunals, and represented hundreds before the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). Abadi’s groundbreaking legal work in 2009-2010 before the ECtHR helped to improve the Turkish government’s refugee practices in major areas of deportation, detention and detention conditions. 

Mona Afary

Born in Iran, Ms. Afari immigrated to the United States in 1975. She holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Wright Institute, Berkeley, California. As a licensed therapist since 1987, Dr. Afary specializes in trauma work with diverse refugee and immigrant populations and their families. She founded the Center for Empowering Refugees and Immigrants (CERI) in 2005 in response to the urgent need for community mental health services for the Cambodian survivors of war and genocide, and has since been CERI's executive director. Dr. Afary’s work has been featured in Under the Dragon - California's New Culture by Lonny Shavelson and Fred Setterberg (2010) and The Power of Collective Wisdom by Alan Briskin (2011). In 2012, the Devata Giving Circle organization awarded her for her devotion and commitment to working with Cambodian- American families. 

Ezat Mossallanejad

Born in Iran, Mr. Mossallanejad came to Canada as a refugee in 1985. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Economy from Gokahle Institute of Politics and Economics, India. Dr. Mossallanejad was a Refugee Policy Analyst with the Jesuit Refugee Service-Canada from 1991 to 1997 and has since 1997 been a full-time Trauma Counselor and Policy Analyst with the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture (CCVT) in Toronto. In his mission to assist refugees and survivors of torture, Dr. Mossallanejad has travelled to different refugee producing or hosting countries including Rwanda, Nigeria, and Uganda. In addition to authoring more than 150 articles in Persian and 35 articles in English, Dr. Mossalanejad has published three books in English, Political Economy of Oil (1986), Torture in the Age of Fear (2005) and Religions and the Cruel Return of Gods (2012).