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Iranian Refugees' Alliance Inc. (IRA Inc.) is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. |
Advocacy & Reporting
IRA-INC tries to monitor and report on the situation of Iranian asylum seekers and refugees particularly in countries where they are most at risk either by highlighting reports and critiques published by other organizations or by conducting research and publishing its own reports. We are the only organization which has published comprehensively on the situation of Kurdish Iranian refugees in Northern Iraq and Iranian asylum seekers and refugees in Turkey.
IRA-INC also has had a pioneer role in critiquing the Refugee Status Determination Procedure of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Since 1995, IRA-INC has published several reports and articles and issued conference presentations in regard to lack of fairness safeguards in these procedures. UNHCR is the decision-maker of refugee claims in Turkey as well as in approximately a third of the countries that receive individual asylum applications, mainly in Africa, Middle East and Asia. In 2006, UNHCR's caseload constituted 15 percent of all asylum decisions.