You Can Help

Iranian Refugees' Alliance, Inc. depends on your contributions to help Iranian refugees find a safe home where their human rights are respected and they can rebuild their lives.
You can help by:

  • Mailing a check.
  • Donating with your Credit Card
  • Pledging a contribution that can be paid in a covenient schedule of monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual installments.

    Make checks payable to IRA Inc. and mail to:
    IRA Inc.
    POBOX 8044
    Berkeley, CA 94707-8044 USA
    donate with your Credit Card

  • Donating shares of stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other securities:
    When you donate appreciated stock to IRA you avoid paying the capital gains tax.
    Since we're tax exempt, we don't pay it either, so we both benefit.)

  • Doubling your gift through employer matched giving. Many corporations have a MATCHING GIFT program, whereby they match the donations made by their employees to 501(c)3 tax-exempt organizations up to a certain amount.
    If you work for a corporation, please find out if it has such policy and if it does make a donation yourself and/or encourage your colleagues to make a donation to Iranian Refugees' Alliance, Inc. and to apply for the matching gift.

  • Nominating Iranian Refugees' Alliance, Inc. for end-of-year employer charitable donation:
    Some corporations have END OF YEAR GRANTS to 501(c)3 tax-exempt organizations. If you work for a corporation, please find out if your corporation has such a program and nominate Iranian Refugees' Alliance, Inc. to receive a grant from your corporation.

  • Supporting Iranian Refugees' Alliance, Inc. by Shopping at Amazon Smile
    Shop at Amazon Smile, and support Iranian Refugees' Alliance, Inc. every time you shop. It is easy and very convenient—the same as your regular shopping experience at The only difference is that when you shop at, a portion of your purchase is donated to your favorite charitable organization. Choose Iranian Refugees' Alliance, Inc. and help Iranian refugees. 

Iranian Refugees' Alliance is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.
Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by the law.